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Old 2019-04-05, 14:42   Link #8
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
And so ends an unbelievably disappointing third season of Index. A season that can only be remembered for being unbelievably rushed to the point that the plot was nearly incomprehensible. There were some good moments sprinkled throughout. But there was no way they could cover as much ground as they did without it just being a total mess. Which I'm guessing they didn't care about since they just want to get to the material they actually wanted to adapt.

Stuff just kind of happened in this episode. Touma finished his fight with one punch, the 'war' ended, Index is fine, Last Order is good, Hamazura managed to pull off some stuff using his esper ability of plot armor, and Accelerator is on his way back feeling pretty confident.

There are just many shrug worthy moments. Like what was even the point of Mikoto appearing in this arc?She doesn't get to do anything that you couldn't have just written out of the story without anyone noticing.

In the end it's finally over. Index 3 can be forgotten and we can hope future adaptations will be less disastrous. At least there's hope that Acceerator's anime and Railgun 3 will be superior. It'd be depressing if they weren't.
She stopped an elite assasination squad that AC sent to Russia to kill Touma (Kind of the reason she was on that plane threatening the pilot). She also stopped the Russian forces from nuking the B'thselhem star and the moment when she tries to help Touma off of the star was when Touma was at his lowest point where he was thinking if his actions (like saving Fiamma) were the right ones. He was also contemplating (out of fear of being left alone on the star) that as far as he knew, no one even knew he was there, wether his actions up to that point even mattered and wether he was important enough for someone to lend a helping hand to.

For those that don't read the LN:

When Misaka appeared in the VTOL to help him that is a pretty important moment for him personally because it helps him know that, yes, his actions mattered and that at least one person out there was willing to go that far (literally go into the middle of a war zone for him) to help him (literally do the thing he does for everyone else). At that moment his true character arc begins, so at the start of New Testament (<- by the way, for those of you that don't know, this is the true name of the series going forward after Index which ends with WW3) the groundwork for not only Touma, but also Misakas' (whose character arc began during the Acqua of the Back arc) character development, both of which are big drives for a lot of things that happens moving forward (I will leave it at that).

It's pretty sad that J.C. Staff doesn't seem to care much about this series to give it a proper adaptation (which CAN be done). I personally feel like this series would do well with a Hunter x Hunter (2011)/FMA Brotherhood like reboot, only question being, which studio would be up for the task?

So next is the Accelerator manga/anime which I still say was an unneeded addition, especially due to how much screentime he gets in the LNs and due to other reasons that make that series boring to follow.

Then there is the Railgun season 3 anime which if it is done half as well as Railgun S will be pretty awesome due to what will be getting adapted. After that there apparently is a good possibilty of a NT getting adapted, let's hope this gets the proper care the series deserve (not holding my breath, but still hoping it does).
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