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Old 2019-04-05, 11:28   Link #4
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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And so ends an unbelievably disappointing third season of Index. A season that can only be remembered for being unbelievably rushed to the point that the plot was nearly incomprehensible. There were some good moments sprinkled throughout. But there was no way they could cover as much ground as they did without it just being a total mess. Which I'm guessing they didn't care about since they just want to get to the material they actually wanted to adapt.

Stuff just kind of happened in this episode. Touma finished his fight with one punch, the 'war' ended, Index is fine, Last Order is good, Hamazura managed to pull off some stuff using his esper ability of plot armor, and Accelerator is on his way back feeling pretty confident.

There are just many shrug worthy moments. Like what was even the point of Mikoto appearing in this arc? She doesn't get to do anything that you couldn't have just written out of the story without anyone noticing.

In the end it's finally over. Index 3 can be forgotten and we can hope future adaptations will be less disastrous. At least there's hope that Acceerator's anime and Railgun 3 will be superior. It'd be depressing if they weren't.
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