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Old 2019-04-03, 14:03   Link #2127
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Originally Posted by Lord Kai View Post
She never said such a thing. About the closest she said to something like that is that Issei is now "satisfied". Not even that he satisfied a condition, which would have been fine, but that he himself is "satisfied". And it's not even explained.
She said the conditions are satisfied. Do you understand the context of that or do I need to write it out for you with diagrams as well?

Originally Posted by Lord Kai View Post
Regarding Rias Balor form. I don't have a problem at all with people developing techniques offscreen, so long as it's made clear that they actually had to work toward them. And I also never asked for permanent negative consequences provided they actually work for their abilities. It's only when they get handouts that I think they should at least have a permanent or repeated negative consequence for its usage.
-> survives a deadly holy poison ripping his body apart

-> didnt work for it

Yeah, this handout thing of yours is BS and you know it.

Originally Posted by Lord Kai View Post
You're wrong about Triana. Issei conversing with the past host resulted in him getting CxC. Prior to having CxC the past host didn't even respond to him when he had Triana.

Triana is a result of the box opening while talking to the two previous hosts at the beginning of Kyoto. Did you actually read this?

Originally Posted by Lord Kai View Post
Regarding Amrita, such a thing was never stated, lmao. It was never implied, hinted or stated that Issei survived Amrita due to his force of will. Risk alone does not warrant a reward, it's action that warrants a reward. And Issei literally did not perform any actions to survive Amrita. He didn't even know it could damage him, let alone have a risk of death. If Issei explicitly knew Amrita had a high risk of killing him and yet he decided to brave it out and still drink it to get his additional power, then that would have been ok even if not perfect. However, that's not what happened.

Yeah, the poison that drove Issei unconscious, who endured the poison of the Dragon Killer while maintaining consciousness, was not at all dangerous to him in any way.

Indra tells him to surpass it and Cao Cao even says he's surprised at how quick Issei woke up. Issei had to fight past it to get back up.

Seriously, this hangup of yours isn't even petty anymore, it's nonsensical. You're arguing that something that nearly killed Issei is less legitamite then off-screen training, that a fusion technique is a better sign of growth than unlocking your own potential, and that the things Issei gets as direct consequences of his actions going back a dozen volumes are "handouts" while other people who were literally just born special somehow earned theirs.

And that's ignoring the numerous factual errors you've built this theory around, like Ddraig's seal, Issei's power, Triana and so on.

Stop digging yourself deeper.
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