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Old 2019-04-03, 04:12   Link #2122
Lord Kai
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Join Date: Feb 2018
Originally Posted by XFire View Post
Yeah, no. It's something Issei recieved as a result of his actions. And you keep shifting the goalposts around to try and salvage your point, just to make things worse on yourself.

First, it being a fusion means it literally isnt that persons power and is something they themselves can't achieve. Second, Sairong and Vidar didnt train for theirs, and we're shown none of Rias' so by your logic its irrelevant.

Your point was made, dissected, and discarded as fatally flawed. Glad you've moved on though.

Oh no, the divine drink helped him overcome the divine seal keeping Ddraig locked in the SG. The seal that's been gradually unlocking this whole time as Issei develops. People were speculating about Ddraig coming out as far back as the Trihexia fight.
Issei saving Ophis resulted in him getting a new body but not a direct result of getting DxD. From volume 12 to volume 20, he did nothing to try to unlock his potential. Ophis just happened to unlock it for him which is why it's a handout.

This doesn't even begin to make sense. So you're saying that Rias fusing with Gasper is something they could do from the getgo without any work to actually make the technique? Because Volume 24 proves you wrong, since it straight up states they developed the technique. They had to put work, thought and intent to develop it, they didn't get it as a handout just because, like how Issei got Triaina, DxD G, PDxD, PDxD time extension and the Ddraig summon.

There nothing stated about Ddraig's seal beginning to be unlocked. Also This might have been right if Issei's survival was dependent on something he had to do, but it wasn't. I am not ignoring Amrita's risk, but Issei didn't actually do anything to survive the Amrita. He just survived it out of dumb luck or because it couldn't kill him in the first place, both of which are not even resembling actual merit.
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