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Old 2019-03-21, 20:56   Link #95
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Originally Posted by XFire View Post
Again, the idea that a human nation would be able to massively outpace the Grigori in terms of scientific advancement makes zero sense.

Modern technology is far below the capabilities of even a human wizard it's not funny. Any high-class devil and their peerage could run roughshod over the military power of our world.
That's making a lot of assumptions. Although I'm making a lot of assumptions too.

The Grigori is most likely the most technologically advanced in the supernatural world. But there has been no comparisons to the human world.

For example, has the Grigori created weapons that are capable of mass destruction

How is the technology of the supernatural world in comparison to the human world? You can't just say 'they have magic'. There are most likely a lot of technology the supernatural world uses that originated in the human world.

While the supernatural world has some advantages, we really can't count out the human world as if they are totally behind the supernatural world in terms of science and technology. If the human world in DxD is anything like the real world version, then we would know that's not the case.

Especially when you consider the human world didn't largely have magic to help them along. They still developed technology and weapons they are on par with supernatural powers.
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