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Old 2019-03-20, 23:04   Link #73
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: United States
Originally Posted by XFire View Post
Just going to point out that given the limited success even the Grigori, a research lab with limitless funding run by immortal fallen angels with direct access to the works of God himself, have had at creating practical weapons on the scale to actually be useful in high-level combat, the idea that any human country, even the US, could successfully create a "defense system" that could hold back an Ultimate-class devil peerage, much less the Alliance, seems mildly far-fetched.
Human countries have created nuclear weapons that can destroy the world. Is it really all that far-fetched that they can create defense system against supernatural beings with current technology?

@Palmito That's assuming the U.S. is an enemy of the Underworld and that they can make a move against a supernatural faction so recklessly. From what Magnus said, it seems like there are certain figures in the U.S. that know about the supernatural world. That's not strange as we have had humans who have knowledge or connections with the supernatural world. The higher-ups in most countries most likely know about the supernatural beings but keep quiet about it to the general populace. But even though they have knowledge of the supernatural world, they let the supernatural world do as it pleases as long as it doesn't heavily affect the human world.

But since Trihexa, all of the major powers of the human world have been put on alert and while they aren't hostile to the supernatural world they are still preparing themselves to defend against it. Because what happens when a supernatural event occurs that affects the human world as much as it does the supernatural world? They can't just turn a blind eye to it anymore and need to be prepared just in case.
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