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Old 2019-03-20, 12:24   Link #49
Hero In Training
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Originally Posted by TommyG View Post
I think I must have missed your point, your saying there is no reason to join Rias' peerage over Issei's correct? What reason does she have to join Issei's? Because she loves him? So do Irina and Elmenhilde. Because a pawn piece fits her? As well as a bishop piece will? You clearly didn't read what I said in any great detail as I said "and could afford Rose for 1 bishop". Where was it said that if you fit a bishop you'd fit a pawn? I never said I had any reason to believe she would join Rias' peerage beyond she seems like a bishop but I also don't see how you can claim she should join Issei's peerage when the key arguments for why she should join don't apply to other characters (loving him). Can you actually provide a quote since according to you I will miss it?
I'm asking why bring up Rias in the conversation period over Issei or Vali. I never brought up anything about her loving him as a reason to join, you brought that into the argument. I said she can be a Bishop or Pawn and it doesn't match. The bold part you definitely don't understand. Rose is a example for my main point, La Fey can be a Pawn just fine because a similar type of mage was stated in story to have been suited as a Bishop or Pawn and yes it is in the story go look for it, I'm not quoting anything go do the work yourself .
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