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Old 2019-03-20, 08:47   Link #37
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Originally Posted by AzazelDxD View Post
I canīt confirm it but I think that I heard that he received pieces the first time that Ishi mentioned that he is one ultimate class devil...

When he was mentioned as ultimate? I forgot it.. Maybe in the same volume that Issei was declared a high class devil or after that..

-Appear in the cup as BISHOP
-Arthur saying that she could become in a devil..
-Lives in Issei house(with issei&rias peerages), is not always with Vali

I think that following this the simplest option is make her Rias Bishop.. The bishop pieces seems perfect for her..

Unless Vali is forced to use his evil pieces(if he obtained them) to improve his team members(those who accept it) against one strong rival them I canīt see him using the pieces only for one person when Rias can make her a bishop too..

ANYWAY. The future will show us Ishi intentions..
Her joining Rias peerage doesn't make sense to me, so your going to split her between 3 people? Rias Peerage, Issei's Contract Magician, and Vali's Team? I mean it is up to the author but that seems too congested . I have to say after reading your reasoning for her joining Rias peerage aren't good. Her being in the cup as Bishop means nothing, Rose was a Rook, Pawn, and Bishop piece in the cup she the best comp to Le Fay, Not to mention in story it been stated mage type characters are best suited for being Bishops or Pawns. Your only saying that because Rias has a Bishop piece and needs a Bishop, they really hasn't been any story reason for her to join Rias?

Last edited by TheWu8128; 2019-03-20 at 09:40.
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