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Old 2019-02-08, 18:39   Link #422
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Lynnfield, MA USA
Cool Carnival Phantasm

hey all,

I am posting this because it is related to the Fate series. I came across
this anime via it's catchy opening "Sweet Affection". the series is called
Carnival Phantasm and it is basically a rip on the Fate series. there is
these catlike beings the Aherne(?) and they host the Carnival Phantasm,
an event that takes place every ten years. characters from other stories,

i.e. the Fate series converge to have fun and socialize. there are amusing
skits, like the Fourth Holy Grail War being a game show in one skit and an
auto race in another. there's the running joke of Lancer always dying.
and general amusing stuff you can enjoy even if you never watched the
series. in fact, one or two YT fans post comments about "I finished a
back-to-back marathon of Fate/Zero and Unlimited Blade Works. I needed
this SOOOO bad!" so do we have a favorite episode? do we like the anime
in general? let me know.
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