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Old 2018-12-15, 09:14   Link #56
Blazor 98
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2017
Originally Posted by Lucidrago View Post
Someone doesn't know what 'unpredictable' means. Unpredictable implies It's something so outside of normal standards that it is considered outside of normal predictions.

Rias' team winning in a game against Issei isn't unpredictable. The match is going to end two ways. With Issei or Rias winning. Therefore a win for Rias can't be unpredictable.

Issei coming into contact with a god from another world is unpredictable.

Issei landing on Great Red in the Dimensional Gap after getting 'Alphonsed.' And then Great Red creating a new body for Issei using his own flesh. That's unpredictable.

A team with a steady losing streak adding two Super Devils to their team and defeating Mahabali's team, one of the strongest in the tournament, is unpredictable.

How exactly is Rias winning unpredictable?
Rias winning is unpredictable because she adds nothing to the plot of the tournament while Issei does since the tournament arc focuses more on Isse then it does for Rias.
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