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Old 2018-11-07, 17:26   Link #87
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Originally Posted by Mirable View Post
Marie is just a selfish girl that doesn't care about other (except her onii-chan) but by no mean she is not truly evil person. she aware that she was a bitch to MC but she has one rule, that is she will never cross the line (make MC completely hate her).

She can't stand the idea MC hate her (to the point MC want to kill her) and even if she unintentionally done it, she will do anything to make MC forgive her.

I remember there is "if route" chapter about Marie.i might be wrong, my memory is hazy.

Spoiler for spoiler:
Yeah there is this IF route, in this route Leon and Luxon would go check the first event that is the meeting of the protagonist(Olivia) with the Prince to confirm everything is going on it's proper path, but there he found Marie and took her away and confirmed that she was a reincarnator like him (though didn't know she was his former bitch sister),having taken and dealt with Marie there, Olivia would go on as the protagonist of the game making her reverse harem. Later as they watch the story progress Marie says she didn't wish to make a reverse harem anymore since it sounded troublesome as she watched the fight between Olivia and her harem vs Anjelica and noticed the love for big breasts of mc (like the ones Olivia and Angelica has) which greatly pisses her off and they begin fighting while the rest of cast watch them and Leon escapes noticing that the only girl he got close to was Marie and had to find a wife soon.

Personally i didn't like that the author made this IF route even if it is just a small teaser to show another possibility which to me simply reaffirm that Olivia and Anjelica were never meant to be with mc in novel timeline but that is just my romantic side speaking...But it was funny.

Despite Marie stupidity and selfishness she is very cute with her bro-con side(you would hardly believe this is sevens author if it wasn't the fact that all the sisters Leon has, has shitty personality), she literally admits she can't live if her brother ain't there and that everything in her fomer life went downhill after her brother death so this time she is quite possessive showing more her bro-con side, like getting jealous of the other heroines.

Last edited by EvI; 2018-11-07 at 19:20.
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