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Old 2018-09-30, 04:54   Link #25
An... Historian OOOH-
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Nyan Nyan's
Age: 37
Dunno, maybe they'll give Freya more personality than runpikahoina. I know a lot of people here don't agree with me on Ranka, but she at least had a personality.
Hayate doesn't even have the runrunpikachu going though. Unless you count the novels where he is a creepy stalker. What a great protag.

Seriously, I could go with exploring Walküre more, backstories for the girls and more than one note personalities. It's not like the LT ever existed or the Wind are going to face consequences for their actions. I could go with a queer arc for Makina and Reina (the redheadwhatshisface ship can go away thanks), or Kaname and Arad dealing with their feelings after Messer's loss. And more Mikumo. Hell, even HayaFre could have an arc dealing with Freya dieing young. The serious, none hoina part of their relationship. The interesting part that has stakes and a reason for people to care. With the LT being dead and gone, give Mirage more to do.
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