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Old 2018-09-30, 03:33   Link #23
An... Historian OOOH-
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Nyan Nyan's
Age: 37
Kazu, Grace blew up a planet using fold quartz. Fold quartz was Wind's primary source of income, they were exporting it. Since the Vajra left they were the only place in the Galaxy to get fold quartz from. This was in the show. Again, Grace used fold quartz to blow up Galia IV and the Nuns were right to put restrictions on export of this material because it is the basis for weapons of mass destruction. And what maggy said.

Wind's entire story is based on this idea that they are somehow superior. They were butthurt when they found out that yeah, they are strong, but other races created by the protoculture live longer and have superior technology. They were pissy over the fact that Nuns expected them to send soldiers into their ranks in exchange for tech. This is not only in the show, it's in the wind manga. The wind are all sorts of messed up and nothing justifies what Gramia did, let alone what Roid did and was planning to do. Nobody owns them anything.

The point is, Delta was packed to hell with ideas and fell flat because nothing came of them, none of it were explored. Maybe they'll go for it in the 2nd movie but I doubt it. For one, I noticed Kawamori doesn't like to own up to mistakes, even if Delta was a casualty of executive meddling. But also because milking Walküre would be a better option at this point. We'll see. Won't change the fact the show was a mess though.
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