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Old 2018-06-19, 10:07   Link #15
Dragon King
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Age: 34
Yeah. And he'll lose even more influence if Ise and Vali do become Maou. But someone on the DxD Universe Discord proposed the idea that maybe Zekram only set that condition to shut up the nobles on his side who were against Ise and Vali becoming Maou. He himself still stands to lose a lot more of his influence, but he did also tell Ise to become a Maou before. He may still want to make it harder now, himself, as well, since he does stand to lose a lot more influence from it happening.

@Raptor: It's about the Devil Civil War, how Sirzechs and Grayfia met, and how Sirzechs and the other three became Maou. And it might be from Sirzechs' point of view.

And as we an see in the quotes, it seems like Sirzechs fell in love with Grayfia first since she's asking him if he still wants her even though her duty as the vanguard for Lucifer is her top priority (unless she was also already in love with him and was just not sure if she should betray the Old Maou Faction for him). Either way, I'm looking forward to reading this. As the quotes mention, it's a legendary love story told in the Underworld even now.
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