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Old 2018-06-19, 03:18   Link #13
Blazor 98
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2017
Originally Posted by Lucidrago View Post
Well the Underworld was most likely a monarchy when the original Maou were still alive. After they died, that was Zekram's chance to gain the power he never truly had when the original Maou were alive.

While they're well-suited to be Maou, Zekram knows that in the Underworld that highly values bloodlines and heritage, that they would never have the influence or authority the original Maou did. They would have the power but not the bloodline. That's a really important fact to consider. In an Underworld that highly values bloodlines and heritage, Sirzechs and the others would never be fully recognized as Maou. It was the perfect opportunity for Zekram to shape the Underworld in his own way and create the perfect balance of power between the Maou and the Great King.

That's why someone like Vali would be a threat. Think about how many devils would gather under him because of his name and power. He has the two most important things for ruling the Underworld. His power could easily surpass Sirzechs' in the future.

What if Vali had the same fanatical ideas as the Old Satan Faction? That would be very scary. Descendant of Lucifer, huge reserves of demonic powers, and Divine Dividing. Yeah I would kill him before he properly matures if I was Zekram just to prevent him from possibly claiming his birthright in the future.

Or Issei who has become a hero like no other in the Underworld. But he would have run into the same problems Sirzechs and the others did. Until Diehauser screwed everything up.
Then why give Vali the condition that he has to reach the top 4 just to b3 a Maou candidate?
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