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Old 2018-06-11, 17:14   Link #78
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Join Date: Mar 2014
I definitely don't see the problem with Mikoto, so with her friends she acts differently than when she is around Touma... Isn't that part of the point of her side of the story? To show us how she spends her time when she isn't around Touma... Am I missing something?

You have to remember that Railgun is far more tame than Index is (as difficult as that maybe to believe) and is supposed to be a kind of slice of life anime with cute girls doing... Whatever they do in AC, so Mikoto being shown in a slightly better light isn't exactly as dissonant as some make it.

The thing is she IS a goody two shoes just like how Touma is selfless to a fault. Both of them are similar in this aspect, they are trouble makers in their own right but when it comes to it they are probably the most selfless people in all of AC (as fucked up as AC is that is a miracle in and of itself), especially after learning of the Darkside of Academy City.

I feel like some of you just see her interactions with characters like Misaki who are really good at bringing out the brat in her, or just saw the first episode of Index and thought that she actively looks for fights and trouble and just decided that that was her default mode. She is as much of a pure ojou-sama as Misaki, Kongou and the other girls from the Garden, the only difference being that Mikoto is a little more street savvy and rebellious than the majority of them. And just like Touma, she is prone to get involved in situations where her moral compass and the fucked up antagonist makes her into the "paragon of justice"

As for taking out scenes like Accelerators finger chewing, I am totally ok with it's omission seeing as those kind of scenes add nothing to the characters development or narrative.
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