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Old 2018-06-11, 08:23   Link #72
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Location: The Big Apple
Age: 30
Originally Posted by OH&S View Post
That's what its starting to sound like to me. The adaptation of the Sisters Arc in Railgun S was perfect. But I absolutely detest the Silent Party Arc which came right after from a writing perspective; animation-wise it was fantastic.

There's definitely something to say about the first season of Railgun. But it was a simpler time back then and I can generally commend Nagai's work there even though I skipped a few of the episodes in the latter half due to how boring it was (read-as too much focus on slice-of-life).
Unfortunately, I'm going to have to agree with kuroageha. Nagai seems to have this tendency to whitewash Mikoto (and her brigade) as this shining figure of justice where in actuality, she is quite the entitled and somewhat bratty teenager at that stage in the story. At the same time, he also tends to mudsling anyone even slightly antagonistic towards her by trying to remove their humanity.

Beyond his flanderization of Kuroko, his poisoning the well with Kongou (caused by the latter as mentioned above), he removes the bratty aspects from Mikoto quite a bit. Take the very first episode of Railgun for example. The reason Mikoto railguns the bank robbers is completely different between the anime and the manga. In the anime, she's a paragon who does it because blah blah blah boring (ironically, the things people dislike about anime Touma but seem to give a pass for her) while in the manga, she gets pissed because the robber bumped into her and smeared her crepe over her clothes.

On the mudsling side, Accelerator's finger eating scene and its placement. Completely the opposite of what it was meant to be in the original novels.

Not to mention all the filler and changes from the manga peppered throughout the adaptation of the Level Upper Arc (and to a lesser extent, the Sisters Arc).

Originally Posted by bakato View Post
I found the silent party arc necessary purely for shedding light on Nunotaba's fate.
Not necessarily. Some things are better left in the dark. The whole thing kinda just removed any meaning to her even being captured in so many ways.

Last edited by Hiss13; 2018-06-11 at 08:48.
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