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Old 2018-02-28, 15:11   Link #61
Dragon King
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Age: 34
@Lucidrago: I agree with Ariel on this one. Azazel may not have figured out yet that Ise has a Longinus, but he could still have noticed from his personality (if he'd heard about how he is) that he isn't a threat. As far as having both of the Two Heavenly Dragons in the same organization goes, once he realized that that's what he'd done, I'm sure Azazel would be able to get it under control. Also, if Ise had been under Azazel's wing from earlier, he'd have been closer to mastering the Boosted Gear than he is now. He might even have already become strong enough to bring out Ddraig's full power.

And of course, since Azazel couldn't have known yet that Ise is the Sekiryuutei, he wouldn't know to include that in his plans. So in other words, he wouldn't know he's putting both of the Two Heavenly Dragons in the same organization. Not at least until he realized that Ise has the Boosted Gear. And as Ise and Vali are now, there's no problem even if they're together in the same place.

Anyway, yeah, interesting info about Nephilim. Thanks for the info, guys.
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