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Old 2018-02-26, 15:34   Link #58
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Join Date: Nov 2017
“What happened to Cao Cao? You did receive a call yesterday, correct?”

Ah, that. I received the report of the aftermath from that bastard Śakra.

“It seems like Indra punished all of the Longinus possessors from the Hero-faction. That includes Cao Cao, Georg, and Leonardo. But according to Indra, he confiscated the spear, and sent those three to Hades.”

Though, he didn’t hand us the holy-spear. That bastard Śakra is probably in possession of Dimension Lost and Annihilation Maker.

It will make him look like the one who finished off the Hero-faction. Even though he lent his strength to them. He used them to the very end, and he attained a reason for being in possession of the Longinus.

[It can’t be helped for Śakra who punished the Hero-faction to be in possession of the Longinus for a temporary time.]

He attained a very good excuse. So we are in a situation where it’s hard for us to complain. Heracles and Jeanne that we captured have given up their connection with Śakra……but I wonder how deep they are connected with that cunning Śakra.

……Damn, the one who defeated them are the young Devils, you know?

He stole the good parts at the very end!

“……For him who was aiming to become the poison against supernatural beings.”

Kiba mutters.

Indra’s voice comes back to my mind. He did speak about Cao Cao.

[HAHAHA, that brat moved around without thinking about what he wanted to become, that’s why he failed. If he wanted to become strong as a human, then he shouldn’t have relied on Medusa’s eye. Since he spoke of being a hero while being half-assed that made him fail. As the result, that eye became fatal. Laughable, right? Laugh at him. At the end, he turned into a clown.]

Yeah, if he had continued to fight as a simple human, then the holy-spear would have lent its strength to his will.

So it ended for him because the “The will of the God from the Bible” determined that “Rather than the ambition of the host, the dream of the Sekiryuutei who is a Devil and a Dragon is better” huh.

[——The ones who will hunt monsters, are human heroes. So there’s nothing that the shitty brat who went beyond a human to become a snob can do.]

Regarding that, I agree. Having Indra say that is the end for him.

But, just like Ise, there was a young-side to Cao Cao. Wanting to become someone is the part of being young. And isn’t the one who put such ambition in that youth of wanting to become a hero you, aye Śakra-sama?

Śakra said this to me after that.

[Well, to me, the “Oppai Dragon” who is a Devil and is calling himself a hero is also quite a clown, you know? What’s the point of a Devil being a hero? Isn’t it the desire of the Devils to deceive humans and control them from the shadows? No matter how much he lives on by saying innocent things, the group of those young Devils on your side are also evil and vicious “Devils” that live on by using humans, you know? No matter how far he goes, he is still far off from being a real hero. ––It’s just child's play.]

……I won’t deny all of that.

But the Devils, ––the Underworld is changing as well. That’s why they were about to collapse if they continued to have the old structure of the world of Devils.

……But forcing him to become a hero, huh. Was I doing the same as well……?

Rias then asks.

“What is Śakra trying to do? The God of war who let Cao Cao loose, who taunted Hades indirectly, and who brought chaos to each faction. Azazel, did you ask about his true ambition?”

“Yeah, that guy wants to create people who can oppose the God of destruction, Shiva. He believes that wars will give birth to strong people.”

……Though I don’t know how much of that is the truth…… It seems like Indra would do anything in order to win against Shiva.
volumen 14

I doubt it, as Azazel said Indra used every means possible to defeat Shiva and an alliance with the army of Hades is the best option.
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