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Old 2017-12-23, 17:25   Link #38864
4th Dimension
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Adriatic Coast, Montenegro, Balkans
Scale? You are talking cities, planets etc? How many people are we talking about?

It really can't be the ENTIRE population of a world because simply you can't WALK away from a world. You likely either need ships or LOADS of mages with a knack for travelling to transfer the entire population. And you likely don't have the first.

You might be hammering the historical parallel WAAAAAYYY too closely, with names and whatnot. And after all, despite all possible corruption, TSAB is HIGHLY unlikely to bungle the refugee crysis as much as Romans did, what with ratcheting up the prices of food for their own gain to the point where Goths had to sell their own children into slavery.

Secondly, if it's a reasonable amount of cargo ships that SOMEHOW escaped in time with some of the population, that shouldn't be that hard to solve given that TSAB is doing ongoing colonization efforts. So SPACE per say should not be the issue nor the tension with the locals when you can drop them on the other side of planet.
On the other hand that colonization effort is likely to be a rush job and kinda a shit show, but then again given the possible crazy situations with LL that they might have gotten in before, I'm would not be surprised to learn they have protocols for migrating large amounts of people to a new world. And any problem there is largely down to time, not down to TSAB not being able to do it.

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