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Old 2017-10-19, 12:58   Link #2
Transfer Adventurer
Join Date: Oct 2017
So there ain't really all that much anime that would be considered horror by people that watch them. Some may check a few boxes of what is expected of the genre, like graphic violence or a loose killer, but ultimately they all fall short and become labeled maybe a psychological thriller or some other thing. But fret not, there are a few anime that come really, really close and one of them is,...

Wasurenagumo (2012, 1x25min)

A short movie that was produced for the Young Animator Training Project five years ago.

It's about a guy finding a cute little monster girl. What could go wrong, am I right?
It stays cute pretty much all the time and there's no graphic violence or anything like that.
But that doesn't mean that it won't go under your skin. Because it will.

What's good about it is a little bit spoilerific, but let's just say I've seen my fair share of anime
and it's always nice to get positively surprised from something you expected to be generic.
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