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Old 2017-10-02, 09:01   Link #45
Dragon King
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Age: 34
@Ruki: Actually, close to the end of the fight, Beerus said Goku made him use almost all of his power. And Whis said Beerus had used more power than he ever had in his life, to the point where he was completely exhausted afterwards. Though that exhaustion could've also been faked since Beerus was revealed to only have been pretending to sleep. He spared the Earth on purpose because he felt that it'd be a pity to destroy a planet that can change Saiyans so much (plus it has great food). So I'm confused about whether I should believe Whis or not.

Three things I want to ask, though:
1. What should I think of the episode where Hercule lied to the people of Earth that he's the one who fought the God of Destruction (and even said that he defeated him, which even Goku couldn't do)? I feel like completely treating that episode as if it didn't happen because it really felt like filler.
2. In Resurrection F, it was shown that Pan (Gohan and Videl's daughter) had become a Super Saiyan when the Saiyans gave their power to Goku to make him a Super Saiyan God. But did that also happen in the anime? Did Pan become a Super Saiyan before she was even born according to the anime?
3. What's the Genki Sword?

I'm waiting for when Goku also starts training with Whis. Right now it seems like there's some comedy on Earth while Vegeta's training with Whis on Beerus's planet.
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