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Old 2017-08-10, 21:10   Link #68
Ken Sanders
The Wanderer
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: The Return of The Comeback
<Heavy Sigh> Seriously, World. Are u really going to make Tatsuya an enemy to all?

For now, he is only defending himself to the malicious plans of the parties that wants his "talents" for themselves or eliminate him. If, by any means, anything happened to Miyuki, u, USNA/Jpan/or any country, can kiss your a## goodbye!! Cuz 1 day is enough to nuke an entire country down to ashes! Though, Lina could be spared by Tatsuya.

Japanese Military: Did u forget the things Tatsuya has done for u? W/o him, u could not have sink the GAA fleet and the other things he has done. Do u want him to erase your base as a thanks for keeping him? Think wisely.

Katsuto and the rest: What did u say that breaks down the negotiation and persuasion? U know him well enough that he won't do anything drastic. U could have at least defend him as a friend not as Ten Families.
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