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Old 2017-08-07, 23:44   Link #41
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Join Date: Dec 2012
Originally Posted by mashingan View Post
What I meant in his own league is, compared to everyone except Tatsuya, because Tatsuya is practically different with his ES and magic.
Sorry, forgot mention it before.

If we compared everyone with Tatsuya, the answer is so obvious and it's not question anymore, it's already a statement
Well I mean even compared to everyone else he's really not though lol, being in your own league means no one is a match or better than you. So you could say Tatsuya is in his own league as far as being a software engineer, strategic-class magician but there are people who can fight him one-on-one even if they're few so in that area he's amazing but not unmatched. Mayumi is one of the top 10 specialist at long range sniping in the world, so another 9 people are on her level at least.

Sorry If i'm being stuck on a small detail, I just want to insist on the fact that Ushiyama is an excellent engineer but he is replaceable and there are probably a few hardware engineer better than him, not a lot but still and so him sharing Tatsuya's alias of Taurus Silver isn't really because he deserves it, it's more something that was convenient for the time, he in not necessary for Tatsuya to create the loop cast system etc.
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