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Old 2017-08-07, 09:34   Link #34
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Join Date: Jun 2008
This came out of left field after the announcement of the new series, but hey, this is an opportunity to make Delta better and I hope Messer can get the Mikhail treatment in it.

So do you guys think the movie will be released before the new series or after? if the series is still planned to air in 2018 maybe the movie could come out in the first half of the year and the series in fall.

Also, could it be that the new series will probably be more related to Delta than we think? maybe they are making the movie because the series is going to follow whatever changes they may make to the Delta story in the movie.
Maybe I'm overthinking things but I think it's weird that they would announce a movie to an already finished series after announcin a completely new series for next year, normally it would be the other way around, I guess time will tell.
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