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Old 2017-06-27, 16:58   Link #66
Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2016
Age: 25
The main focus was on the lifesteal because Vritra is so unique that his SG doesn't have need for a Breakdown the beast. But the main thing i'm wondering about is how is Saji going to bridge the 20 grand canyon wide gap between him and Issei, he has Diabolos Dragon for gods sake that's WAY to much for Saji to handle even if he did sacrafice some of his lifespan. Techiniques might slow down Issei but he has proved time and time again that technique types will just get crushed by his insane level of sheer brute force. This match will be a loss for the Sitri team unless delete field works the way i'm thinking and even that could be overloaded.

Atleast on the plus side Saji's going to get a new technique or two and possibly get a new title
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