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Old 2017-06-27, 07:20   Link #49
Dragon King
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Age: 34
Ise already discarded the principle of domination. It's in the chant for Cardinal Crimson Queen.

And future possessors of the Boosted Gear would still get their own equivalent of the Cardinal Crimson Queen. It's the "True Queen" from the Triaina forms for Ise because for him it's the Sekiryutei's original power brought out using the characteristics and traits of Pawn. Future possessors would also get the Sekiryuutei's original power released but without the negative emotions or the danger of going berserk, but the difference with the Cardinal Crimson Queen would be that theirs wouldn't have the Pawn's trait of the Queen Promotion like Ise's does. Hence, their own respective equivalents of the Cardinal Crimson Queen. The Cardinal Crimson Full Drive itself would stay, it's just that the future possessors would get their own version of it unless they're also Pawns like him (but even then, for Ise, Ajuka had to make adjustments that made the Sekiryuutei's power come out with the traits of the Pawn Piece, which wouldn't always be the same for the successors, even if it is for some (if Ajuka or someone else who knows enough about Evil Pieces (after Ajuka dies, when it comes to that kind of time) decides to do it for some of the future possessors).

So yeah, what I'm trying to say is that the Cardinal Crimson Full Drive itself isn't going anywhere. It's the new alternative to the Juggernaut Drive for the Sekiryuutei, after all. It's just that future possessors might get a different take on it that's similar to Ise's but still different.
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