Thread: Licensed Wortenia Senki
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Old 2017-04-19, 20:30   Link #28
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
Ah, so the author is still trying to explain bullshit throughout the whole story:/ That kinda sucks :/

Kinda mixed feelings about the romance part tho.. I mean it doesn't necessary need romances for a story to be good. Dont get why people get their jimmies rustled over it. But if theres a few instances where they are flirting and such instead. Then that could be fun, as long as they make those close bonds. Sometimes going head first into romance and making lovers can distract the story. So I dont think its a bad thing without romance. But it depends on the author I guess, and so far hes showing hes pretty incompetent. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt he just had a bad start. But from the comments, doesn't seem like it ><

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