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Old 2017-04-09, 14:31   Link #46
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
I wonder:
- how Boruto can already use the shadow clone - wasn't it a difficult technique that even most adult ninjas didn't use because of the cost in chakra?
- why Naruto doesn't use it to help with paperwork. Instead of a small office he should have an open space where dozens of him could work at the same time.
1- His father could have taught it to him. Or Boruto, being a genius (stated in his profile), could have picked it up just from observing his father. If you're talking about chakra reserves, he is Naruto's son, and we all know how much genetics matter in these series, despite early Naruto stating otherwise.

2- This is IMO a really big plot hole that exists only to force drama between Naruto and his son. Naruto could easily spend time with his family if he used that technique to deal with the mountains of paperwork. This is made even worse given how much we know about Naruto's childhood. He knows the pain of having no family, the role of the absent father is one I would have never pictured him in.
Rize and Kaneki
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