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Old 2017-04-06, 13:38   Link #30
Random Ninja
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Hidden Ice

I am new here. I am a Naruto fan since I can remember, and watching the new Boruto series reminisced my childhood.

The intro was great! I love the music and it has the classic vibes of OP 3 Naruto.
It has some parellism with the Manga, but it has its own unique characters that makes me hook.

Denki, I love that kid already.

This character is the change in Narutoverse - in Boruto , which is a nerd and his technology ! But, it kept the ninjutsu in it! Well done writers!

The new kids... first Boruto is cooler than Naruto , but similar in many ways. Rebellious and kind hearted are the words I am looking for.

These new generation of kids looks promising ...

They added girls! Yay! I am happy that they included new girls in anime , because girls in Narutoverse are usually underrated. I am curious On what can they offer, and hopefully they will be developed as Ten Ten was. There are three girls whose name are not mention yet, ,but looking at it
They are somehow important characters too, because they are in the intro!

Maybe it will change in the future episodes, but I hope they all stay.
Who are Metal Lee's other team members ? In the movie they were not us important...
But, the looks of it it might be Denki , and the new tall guy.
Who knows? I am excited ... I think they will be all boys trio, and the new girls will be the new all girls trio.

Then Shikadai's and Boruto's which we already know.

Thank you for reading, and hopefully we see more of the new characters as well!

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