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Old 2017-01-30, 05:27   Link #77
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Originally Posted by Tiresias View Post
With how Delta ended with a whimper (nowhere as bad as 7, but that's a really low bar) I don't really know how to react to this. Like, I really really really want it to be good, but the recent track record gives me little faith in that. Another 20-ish forgettable episodes with forgettable characters, forgettable music and forgettable dogfights doesn't sounds appealing.

A bit curious though on how the ridiculous progress is gonna jump forward this time. Last time they've already reached the edges of the galaxy; what's next, Andromeda?
Probably a few years like Macross Plus and Macross Delta.

It would be interesting though if it was concurrent with the events of Macross Delta and going beyond that timeline.

We keep hearing politics and bigger concerns is the reason Federal NUNS can't just send a fleet to the Brisingr cluster thinking it as low priority.

What if there was a crisis that needed their immediate attention instead?
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