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Old 2017-01-29, 13:42   Link #23
An... Historian OOOH-
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Nyan Nyan's
Age: 37
Except the second part added nothing to a huge cast, nothing was accomplished and the one resolution we got was never a contest to start with.
On another forum someone wrote that some people forgave the poor characterization and lack of substance in the first 13 episodes because they assumed it was a build up to something big. I know I felt this way. A movie would not have made up for the lack of focus on characters, or that the protags were flawless/had plot armor and could do no wrong. Delta was a mess. It had some enjoyable moments, but it felt to me that by the end nobody on staff knew wtf they were doing.
Either that or the message was that being a complete idiot is fine as long as you have a pure heart, that'll save you, somehow. And that it's a-okay to invade and mindcontrol other nations and murder millions, comitting war crimes etc. Because you won't have to face charges if you align yourself with the good guys at the last moment.
Nevermind wind started the war over how they were butthurt that they couldn't sell foldquartz, a material a crazy transhuman scientist used to blow up an entire planet.
I hope I'll be over this show in 10 years.
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