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Old 2017-01-29, 12:37   Link #20
Pew Pew Pew!
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Buttfuck Nowhere, Canada
Hmmm that doesn't really answer my question though. I feel like when people bring up the whole two cour expansion situation, it's often with the belief that the initial 13 episodes was perfect by themselves, and everything that came after it muddied it.

Regardless of whether You liked what came out as Macross Delta, my question ends up you (or anyone else who keeps bringing this point up) honestly think the show would have been better with 13 episodes and a movie? Because given the kind of cast and scope they were introducing, it looked more like 26 episodes wasn't enough and by episode 13 the series hadn't really touched on anything to really bring about a satisfactory end.

I also think saying "last minute" is kind of misleading. They managed to deliver double the amount of episodes since they knew of the change, so they clearly had some time to adapt. If they had a movie in mind, there was clearly content they were working up to so it's not like they were looking to pull it out of their asses the night before release...unless the movie was going to be a retelling in which....why do it for a 13 episode show...?
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