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Old 2017-01-28, 16:58   Link #117
ecchi sage
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: moonlight kingdom
Originally Posted by mashingan View Post
There aren't many noticeable scenes for those two.
The only noticeable scene for Azusa is when she used her MI to create an opening to help Kanon. Kanon was taken hostage by Jasmine and Jasmine threatened to kill Kanon if Isori didn't destroy the system that withheld the island float.

For Honoka, she became more daring during the island vicinity tours. It's because the advice that given to her from Eimi and Subaru.

Only those 2 scenes I think.

Even though Tatsuya has friends which experts in traditional magics, he himself by no means is an expert.
His expertise is non systematic magic, in other words, magic that manipulate psion directly, and it's after parasites incident that Tatsuya made an effort to work with pushion too.

Maya said this magic is (kinda) the ultimate anti magic and after that Tatsuya said that he will try to make the magic systemically usable by people other than him.

Miyuki did say "secret Yotsuba magic" but it actually "Tatsuya's magic". She said that because there's Chen behind her and to make people (mainly spies) intent diverted to Yotsuba instead of Tatsuya

There's no accident with considered negative when Miyuki, Tatsuya, and Minami attending the party. Of course many people just mesmerized by Miyuki's beauty and just whispering between them like "Ah, so that's the Yotsuba princess" etc

Yeah, they met Shizuku's mother, Shizuku's mother sarcastically said to Tatsuya "After a while, you've became a fine man" (Fine man meant "from no one" to "Maya's son", and she was annoyed because she was deceived by that fact)

Thanks too...
But i find just stupid how all of them react.... come on.... They are yotsuba, bug They are childs.... if They not Tell about it before, Tere are a reason for that....
And seriously, masaki needs find other woman, i dislike the most when he try to mess with a engaged woman. I just find it stupid, dude, she is engaged, and maya told your father , that miyuki is very happy.... what the hell are you doing?
Honoka could have a chance if she aims to be tats mistress, like trying miyuki let here be,
But steal tatsuya from miyuki? Sorry honoka, its just a Dream.
"Why did you three progress your relationships where I can't see?
Why am I set aside despite being with you the entire time? Where's
my flag? Heyy, why?! Why won't you raise my flag, Takeru?!"
Mari the pityfull witch
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