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Old 2017-01-28, 14:14   Link #98
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Where you're not.
With all honesty, despite this string of disappointments the manga has been trudging through, I still kind of like it. I can't even put my finger on why, exactly. In part, it's because it motivates me to think of better story ideas. In another, it's because I'm a sucker for stories about people who succeed despite all logic screaming at them that it's impossible. And in some areas, it's because my expectations have gotten so astronomically low that anything that surprises me is gold in my eyes. You could call it a guilty pleasure, but one thing I know for sure is, I'm seeing this ride to the end, and not just out of obligation to finish what I started.
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I just know what you should be doing.
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