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Old 2016-11-25, 17:09   Link #421
Holy cack!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: NYC
Age: 37
Originally Posted by m4rc0s View Post
Nice summary, thanks;
i'm putting this novel on hold, since it is fair harder for me to read it, so thanks again.
hope that the new guy's doing it will reach the those chapters, so i can read it in fully.
It's gonna be a while. Chapters can get seriously long.

Originally Posted by obnuchious View Post
Main Story:
1. Tomoe is the friend of his sister, right? ... who's Ryou?
2. that mentioned friend, he's the one from the next mini-arc flashback?

Flackback Mini-Arc:
- Good Going, Hero(LoL), Princess and Extras~~~
Yes, Tomoe is besties with his sis. Sis must never know or she'll blow a lid.

Shinguuji Ryou. Basically Ranked 3rd in the school. Also a returnee. Childhood friends with Tomoe, much to his regret. Currently doing everything in his power to set her up with Shinichi because he's the only one that can control her.
Also that friend would be the hero.

Originally Posted by m4rc0s View Post
he already have beaten her before; if i'm not wrong, if i'm, someone can correct me later, but i'm sure they have fought before and this is the reason why she is stalking him, she is a battle maniac;
hell "when" he was going to collect the demon lord blood, to use to open the vault, he have beaten her again at that small fight at that time.
but the main problem is not that:
the main problem is that if she comes out; they will "know" that there is another world out there, and mainly that world is a very very "hardcore" version of the one they know/live. her status will be very OP we are talking here about all A+ and a few ones like physical strength S, since she is a very muscle brain , and this would have their own implications in their "current Culture" and on their entire plan to "let's exchange culture " that they doing right now, if one person with all A can more or less fight a army by them self or destroy a few cities , just think about a entire family(demon family) and many other players who lives in that world who have similar status.
it would complete break the current status quo, and would show the entire earth the shit they are doing, with those "let's pretend" to be super heroes, because most of them do not even know how to "really fight", they just take the power from granted, and try to use brute force on everyone on win, we have very good amount exposure about it: they complete trust the status and try to use their "superiority" in power(mana) to win against anyone with lower status, at the current translated chapter you can even read the monologue from MC, about how they fight.
They kinda already know there's another world due the end of the Exam arc.


As for status. Earth and Garest are missing the most important stat of all . Skill. Skill determines how much power you can bring out of your other stats.
Shinichi for example, currently has S+ in skill. So even if he's all Ds', he can overwhelm most others even with there AAA stats in other areas because there Skill stat is probably around E or D.(Earth side tends to be E with Garestians tend to be D, most likely due to pure combat experience.)
Knowledge from Farandia coming out will expose those this. And with many factions in Farandia whating to track down Masquerade, it's hinted they will find their way there at one point and cause a huge commotion.
Anyway, The last summary was up to 4-83-03. Now here's the rest.:
Spoiler for 04-83-04 through 04-83-07:

Spoiler for 04-83-08:

Spoiler for 04-84-01 & 04-84-02:
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