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Old 2016-11-02, 11:11   Link #72
Mad Pierrot
Corrupted fool
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: I'm everywhere
Age: 33
I first started Naruto when I was 15 years old. I was not only interested in the action, but also the fact the characters had a lot doubts when fighting. For example, both Naruto and Sasuke experienced a lot of fear when facing Zabuza in the first battle. However, their will allowed them to surpass it and fight together.

Something that also surprised me is the Sasuke Retrieval Arc. It took a lot of episodes, but neither Naruto or Sakura could bring him back. As a result, I really expected their second (or third?) fight in Part II. What really got me in Part II, is that Sasuke had a lot of screentime and balanced it with Naruto's. Also, Shikamaru's development after his Asuma's death was my pretty good.

Now, moving to mixed feelings, I expected the series to end after Pain/Nagato was defeated. I wanted to see Naruto and Sasuke's final fight there with Taka possibly fighting other guys from Konoha. Instead we got a lot of other characters who I can't barely remember. Madara's character felt really cheap so I wanted him to be the series' final boss after both Naruto and Sasuke become friends. Nevertheless, I liked the ending as well as the movies, The Last and Boruto.
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