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Old 2006-06-19, 14:40   Link #66
Resident devil
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Philippines
Originally Posted by iamtetsuo
OK another question:
Do people go four wheeling in Japan? What about lifting their trucks and puttin big ol mud tires on? I know that there's a lot less land and do to strict car laws most old vehicles are put to rest, but I also know that they have a lot of cool suv's and 4x4 trucks that we don't get stateside. Maybe this is the wrong forum to be asking such a question on...
I bet they do, because such 2nd-hand vehicles keep coming into Subic port. They really do pimp their vehicles, and they come in wide variety too, not just limited to Isuzu Bighorns (Troopers), including

2-door SUVs (Suzuki Jimny, Mitsubishi Pajero, a few Bighorns)
4 X 4 minivans (Yes Mitsubishi Delica I'm looking at YOU)

I haven't seen many with super-sized tires though. But I am amazed that sometimes they don't take out the pimped equipment (foglights, extra side and rear mirrors, metal bumpers) before shipping them over, so we get all the goodies.

They just dump their old vehicles (trucks, construction equipment, SUVs, some cars) onto countries like mine and Vietnam, and we have special right-wheel-->left-wheel-drive conversion kits. These vehicles are unsafe, but they sure are cheap!
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