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Old 2016-09-27, 10:06   Link #2
Psyco Diver
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
Animation - 8 - Pretty good although there were some hiccups mid way through and some of the cgi was jarring at a few moments. The battle scenes were good although I felt they lacked that Macross feel most of the time, doesn't make it bad but just didn't feel completely Macross either

Voice Actors - 7 - I was going to give a average school because while it was good, it wasn't anything mind blowing, but the last episode really was good with the singing, I enjoyed the fact that the singing wasn't crystal clear, but the VAs did a good job making the singing under stress and happiness sound obvious without being in my face

Script - 5 - So many loose ends, so many characters brought in to be forgotten. It needed a serious rewrite to tie everything up. What they did do right they did very well I will say

Soundtrack - 8 - I liked the songs, I would have liked a few more songs though because near the end it felt like I was listening to the songs over and over again

Editing - 7 - Pretty good overall I didn't see anything out of place but I didn't see anything special done outside of the CGI

Enjoyment - 6 - I enjoyed it, I don't see myself rewatching it like the original Macross or Macross Plus, but for the most part I liked the characters and the basic story. I didn't find myself yearning for the next episode but I still made time when I could to watch it

Emotional Involvement - 5 - Characters were good but in the end it was some of the backround characters I care about more because they seems a little more interesting. The mains were good and at least weren't cookie cutters either but they would do some dumb things that would leave me shaking my head

Overall - 6 - A bit above average, what drags the series for me is the plot and the antagonists motives. I think this series could have seriously benefited from a trimming or a 50 episode run so they could have fleshed out more. There allot of good stuff going on but for the most part was left hanging
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