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Old 2016-09-18, 12:21   Link #66
Infinite Zenith
Operation sneaky sneaks
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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I believe those claims stem from this one screenshot in reference to the newspaper visible:

Sorry; dynamic content not loaded. Reload?

The resolution might not be high enough to easily discern what's going on, but that's what is being referred to. With that being said, there's not a chance that this is going to be a one-episode continuation. I imagine that Hata is missing the bigger picture: the elements shown in the trailer is merely a short glimpse as to what's happening, a single event in a larger narrative. A one day event, if true, could be the disruption that drives the events in the continuation.

Further to this, it's as Brother Coa states: from a financial perspective, it makes no sense to only do an OVA given the financial success and warm reception Girls und Panzer has generated. Fans are going to look forwards to a continuation, and a TV series will easily generate more money than a single OVA. Of course, if there is substantial evidence showing this to not be true, I would be quite happy to take a look. In fact, I'll eat my hat if we wind up with only an OVA.

Finally, as for the armoured train, looks like someone is experiencing some Battlefield 1 beta withdrawal
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