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Old 2016-09-18, 09:58   Link #64
Brother Coa
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Holy Terra
Originally Posted by Hata View Post
further, the supposed big happening, the things that "shocks" Oarai, the extra news sheet people handing out? it is to be a ONE DAY trip, to be done by armor train, (notice the "infinite track works" poster behind the new student president Hana?) so whatever the event is, it would take one day, and I highly doubt you can stretch a one day event into a TV season.
It won't be because of 3 logic reasons:

1. They made a stage for world tournament game in anime, OVA's, manga and now movie.

2. They earned a lot o money ( as in, the biggest grossing anime movie ever ).

3. If they decide to do an OVA instead of full length TV series and leave it at that... they can pretty much close the company as fan-base would be so outraged that it would hurt their reputation in the end.

So I highly doubt that this will be anything but series about world tournament.
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