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Old 2016-09-06, 13:53   Link #18
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: UK
Age: 30
OST, opening/ending are usually the one being praised in series as well as in this one but I also think the sound design in this anime is really damn good. I've never seen an anime that established an iconic sound effect like the one played when Subaru was being revived in the first couple of episodes. (the ghost like hah) It's unique and I will probably remember it for a long time and connect it to this anime.
I also really like how they did the sound effects when Betelgeuse was talking to his henchmen. The muttering was a really cool idea and the music fit the atmosphere really well.
Nitpicky stuff but important to my enjoyment.
Whoever is doing the sound design in this series is doing a stellar job. It's really easy to mess up a movie or series with bad sound design but this one certainly proves it can do even better than the average.

Haven't really seen an anime with bad voice acting but in this one the voice actors especially those for Betelgeuse and his fingers seem to have a lot of fun portraying their almost comical insanity. It's a ton of fun listening to them. I can't even imagine how they will be able to pull it off in the dubbing.
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