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Old 2016-09-05, 05:40   Link #55
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Originally Posted by Traece View Post
This is more or less the issue exactly. The villagers, and no doubt a lot of other people, don't hate Emilia and any other half elves if there are any because they're racist. They hate them because they're dangerous. It's wrong to think of this as an issue of racism, because it's not about superiority or inferiority as is true with racism. This is a legitimate concern of security that, as we've seen, absolutely can and probably will result in people dying in no small number. Emilia is fucking dangerous, but sadly that's not her fault. That's the sad reality of being a half elf in this fiction, apparently. You're just a walking time bomb. Though if I were in her position, I wouldn't be hanging around in the sticks and endangering myself and others when I could hang out in the capital where there are hundreds of knights and guards running around, along with a shitton of mercenaries.
Racism is definitely a factor here. Remember they did not listen to her warnings the other day because she was an half elf. Security didn't even cross their minds then and just because it has now become problem doesn't change what they're fuelled by. The villagers have a point in the technical scene that Emilia drew the Cult here, but that is not the reality of the situation. She as much of a victim as they are. Not that they see past because of her heritage ties to the equvalient of Satan in their world.

Originally Posted by Traece View Post
In retrospect, there was one thing in the beginning of this episode that bugs me a bit. I get that there was likely an intention behind the whole scent barrier thing with Ram, and her anger and her attempting to kidnap Subaru to question him or whatever, but doesn't Julius' presence there kind of immediately dispel her understanding of the situation? Subaru would have to have the tongue of a god to convince Julius to go to war with Roswaal and Emilia, and even then it's a bit of a stretch. Unless there were some details left out in those scenes, it seems like a minor plot hole. Not that it really matters, because obviously nothing was going to come of that Ram cliffhangar from the previous episode anyways.

Those VAs must have had a lot of fun with this episode. My brain trembles just thinking about it.
Whether Julius was going to war with them or not wouldn't be his call to make, but Anna's so his opinion wouldn't matter much. That and Ram doesn't know him will enough to think otherwise. As far she knows Crusch and Anna are in on it and have fromed an aillance which isn't wrong... technically.

Last edited by Applehell; 2016-09-05 at 06:05.
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