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Old 2016-09-05, 04:56   Link #53
a random Indonesian otaku
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Xanadu
Age: 32
the question is... how far would the time reverts back? go back to our Mr. Apple "save point" guy?
so we'll get a different confession from Rem at the tower again or not?
I prefer they won't repeat the Hakugei hunt again.. it already closed out perfectly

Betelgeuse proved to be an awesome and super-troublesome villain while our Subaru only managed to use only his head to beat him
Best part of episode? I won't deny that introducing Emilia again is good *can't believe that she didn't notice Subaru at all*
Emilia is probably the best heroine (while Rem is best waifu)
Oh well, best part of this episode is the ending obviously.. I didn't expect Felis' tears and burst out ("I have this power to serve Crusch-sama, and not for this!") and Julius' sweet confession ("Subaru! Isn't there something you want to say to me?")
let's be honest... let's just have SubaruXJuliusXFelis right away
They should just be best buddy and it might be tough for three of them to face each other again at throne battle.

Is there a connection between Cult's bible with body transfer? I'm afraid that Subaru fell on this mess because he is holding that cursed bible
quite simple.. so close yet you blew it up for silly decision
it's like when you just beat super hard boss (Hakugei) and messed up at last boss (Betelgeuse) so you lost all your progress and back to save point again
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