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Old 2016-08-30, 05:34   Link #41
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
Similarly, the other two anime's "targets" were very strong teams and the Wiki suggests Ganbare is in that mold - it also seems the protagonist team in Ganbare made it the following year (the real closure was just "cut off" by the anime's limited run).
No, Kickers never won against their main rival (Red Devils-team) in the manga either IIRC. The part that the anime didn't adapt is when Kickers fought Harry's team in a dirty play. Uesugi (Red Devils' captain/goalkeeper) even supported Kickers so that they can win against Harry.

And no, as depicted in the later part of the series and the climactic match in the anime, Red Devils is not that far from Kickers' reach that it's impossible or unthinkable for them to win. It was a close match, but Kickers still can't defeat Red Devils. But that's not a problem coz the series is focusing on the MC-team's growth and development. And St. Glorianna is closer to Red Devils than you think.
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