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Old 2016-08-14, 14:46   Link #12
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Okay, bit by bit.

Originally Posted by Polarpew View Post
Can't assign value to human lives? Our entire human history is basically a series of evaluations on lives of others,
I don't know if you've noticed, but human history isn't exactly a story of unending virtue. If you're taking your moral and ethical cues from history, you're doing something wrong.

in the world of Bleach it isn't a weighing the lives based on 'what if'. It's very clear cut, one person with a personality or millions of lives each with a personality.
But that's immaterial. People's lives aren't a matter of numbers, because a person's life is of unquantifiable value.

What I'm trying to say, it's not moral when it's situations where you say 'kill one life to save a thousand hypothetically in the future' or 'removing a threat to the livelihood of the many'. It's a fact that the existence of hollows are holding countless souls hostage until they are purified by Shinigami, why should mindless Gillians be slaughered with no problem but the second it's an Adjuchas, we've got a problem?
Didn't you just hit the nail on the head right there?

You called Gillians mindless. Which they are. Killing Gillians is okay, because they aren't sapient creatures, they're mindless animals. But Adjuchas do have minds, they are people, and nobody can rightly determine whether a sapient, aware being who is not presenting an immediate threat should die.

People do and have, but that doesn't make it correct.

Also, you haven't hit what I think was my most salient point there: Killing arrancar isn't necessarily the only way of freeing those souls. Soul Society has three incalculably brilliant scientists, two of whom are experts on creating and storing souls, and one of whom is an expert of Hollows.

If you want to make the argument that the only course of action is to kill arrancar, then you have to first exhaust all scientific research into preserving those emergent personalities while also freeing the constituent souls.

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