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Old 2016-08-06, 16:02   Link #21
Brother Coa
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Holy Terra
Originally Posted by Wandering Soul View Post
When has Subaru ever treated this like it was a game? He has been serious in just about every loop and knows that this is all very real.
Ahuh... that is why he acted like a hero in his own game, tagged Emilia as his waifu and had quite immature acting in front of very important people and at very important events. Very real indeed...

But that's ok, he is acting like any spoiled shut-in teenager who get's slapped in the face with reality. In his case literally. Only he does not learn from his previous experiences and either commits same mistakes or do something much worse. I seriously fail to see how he had learned form his mistakes. Once the arc is over he returns to his standard spoiled self until new crisis emerge, then he is depressed and dies 3 or 4 more times and only after having someone talk to him to remind him that this is not a game does he stared doing something to make everything better. This is how he did trough arc 1, and how he is going trough this arc as well.

I only like him because he has guts and care about people who meets. As far as everything else goes... his egoism, his stupidity, his selfishness, his inability to learn from past mistakes, to utilize his power for his own needs, to try and understand world he is in and how it works, to actually respect other people who are much more powerful than he is... I don't actually feel sorry each time he dies as it is 90% his own damn fault.
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