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Old 2016-08-06, 10:47   Link #17
Brother Coa
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Holy Terra
Subaru is the biggest damn idiot in any anime shows I ever watched, and I watched quite few of them.

Now I can understand going insane and his surroundings and politics and everything... But you thought that after dying 20+ times and countless continuing to insult everyone he should not would at least give him some hint about what to do to decrease his suffering?

And don't let me start about his inability to read situations and act rationally rather than entering like a yahoo cowboy an demanding stuff. He needed 18 episodes and several characters explaining the same damn thing to him every time he falls into depression to figure it out that this is not a game anymore and he must start to think rationally for a change.

But for now I will look forward at how he will develop from here. Until now his actions only made me rage because of sheer stupidity of his actions.
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