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Old 2016-08-04, 03:31   Link #17
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Age: 42
Taken from the Love Live reddit forums, these are the translated interviews from a recent Dengeki G magazine issue.

Inami Anju's interview
This is the article in question.
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Thinking about giving up being a seiyuu if I failed, I went to the audition!!

First Inami-san, tell us your motivation to audition for "Love Live Sunshine".

For a long time, I've been a big fan of Love Live. My favourite member is Koizumi Hanayo chan. I went to many µ's concerts... For me, µ's was an existence beyond the sky which I could never reach with my own hands. When I heard the news about "Love Live Sunshine", I was overflowed with lots of unbelievable feelings. At that time, I had been working at my agency for 2 years. While I was working on my stage job, I would auditioned as a seiyuu everyday but I failed lots of them. However, Love Live is a work I admire!! For this audition, everything I cultivated during those past 2 years, everything I absorbed/learnt, I faced all those strong feelings I held. If I failed this audition, I was really considering quitting being a seiyuu.

In short, this challenge (the audition) was something that changed the present you. Then, could you describe your feelings when you learnt you would be voicing Takami Chika?

Even thought I only dreamt up to passing the audition at first, while I was imagining a future where I would walk alongside Chika, I was once again filled with anxiety. I instantly shouted "What should I do?" "All those things I have to carry..." and all those responsibilities I don't know about, I felt them right away on my shoulders. The dreams, the trust, the radiance, everything our senpai in µ's built.... Being the leader, I would not be forgiven carrying all of them if I failed. At that time, I had no self-confidence and kept on worrying that "Playing the role of Chika-chan is impossible for me, after all."

So, we could say you were engulfed by the pressure.

Yes. Because I was always looking over Kousaka Honoka-chan. She is always full of spirit, and always looking forward, you know? Because Chika-chan is similar to Honoka-chan, for someone like me who is not sparkling, I could not think I would be able to reach them with my own hands. For someone like me who do not deserve to voice the leader, I wanted to refuse the role many times. So, there were numerous moments when I honestly hated my beloved "Love Live". Even when I received a fan letter, I was quickly filled with anxiety, and I could not stop thinking "Is this a letter telling me that I am not fit to voice Chika?" Today, even though the leader is a big role, together with Chika-chan, I am going forward carrying those important responsibilities, turning the pressure into feelings I can enjoy. However, at that time, I really had trouble sorting my feelings.

Chika's positive words guided me, and helped me release the pressure.

What triggered this change of mindset of going forward?

The first one happened on January, 11th during a special event reserved to buyers of the first single, in Mielparque hall. That was the first time the nine members of Aqours gathered, and we performed in front of the fans. This is a memorable day. For the choreography of the third song, "Aqours☆HEROES", we form a triangle, and as the center I am positioned at the tip. In my field of vision, I could only see people in the hall. Even by looking left and right, there was no other members in sight... I felt like I was all alone, and I quickly became nervous. For the D-day, I had group and self training. I was supposed to be perfectly prepared, but I was worrying whether "I was dancing correctly". However, I could hear everyone's voice behind my back and I really felt that "I was not alone. My friends who always support me are definitely here, near me." At that time, I felt so confident!! This sense of security really helped me giving my all until the end. Because everyone saved me with their feelings and support, I am here right now. "Aaah, if we nine are together, I can do it", "I can't be energetic by myself" I thought. I can remember that those honest feelings calmed me down, little by little. And then, by meeting Aqours fans during multiple events and receiving their cheering/support, Chika-chan's words deeply encouraged me.

So you're saying that not only the support of your friends and your fans saved you from the pressure, but also Chika?

Yes. When I read the script at the beginning of the TV Anime recording, I finally understood the character and appeals of Chika, which I was never conscious of before then. Chika-chan's words really gives me courage, you know ? Her positive remark, "The 9 people of Aqours are but one!", really makes me think. Because her conviction is firm, people around her wants to support and help her, right ...? I want to glance at the world Chika-chan is able to see, I want to feel everything she can feel. By holding hands with her, even if it's only a little, I want to get closer to Chika-chan.... It seems like a bad joke though (laughs). There is a song called "Todokanai hoshi datoshitemo" (Even if we can't reach the stars, literally) in the 2nd single. Well, there was a time I felt embarrassed at home, because I thought that my "unreachable star" was Chika-chan. From then on, we will grow together, and I want to see sceneries only us can see. When I passed the audition, I felt the pressure of voicing Chika-chan, but the fact that Chika-chan saved me is really a miracle. I now believe she is my irreplaceable partner.

Then, here is the last question. From now, as a member of Aqours, what kind of dream do you want to fulfil?

If the 9 members are together, nothing is impossible. If the 9 members are together, the fact that we can go everywhere, I want to see it with my own eyes. I want to carry though what I began until the end, and I want to do it successfully. Because I now believe that everything is possible...

That's a really facing-forward (bold/direct) declaration!

During this past whole year I spent as an Aqours member, Chika-chan's ability to turn everything positive saved me. When I sing, when I dance, during plays, being the leader, and developing as a host/presenter... Even though I thought it was impossible for me, if I never took the audition, none of this would have happened. It was only possible because of everyone's support. That's why I now believe that "I should stop setting my own limits by myself". From now on, even if I hit a big wall, if everyone is by my side, I won't be afraid of anything. I want to create a new story worthy of Aqours, and I want to see a new dream alongside everyone. This dream, I want to make it bloom.
Saitou Shuka's interview
Shukashuu's interview
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Interpreting Honoka during my trial song "Bokura wa ima no naka de", I sang with everything I had!

First, please tell us your reasons for challenging the "Love Live Sunshine" project.

I first heard about "Love Live" because of School Idol Festival. After getting to know them through the game, I began listening to their music... Not only did the voice actresses have to act as the characters, they had to synchronize with their characters and sing and dance. I found this style really refreshing, so I was captivated by its charm. When I took part in the audition, I was still in high school. Without thinking about what would come after I passed it, I just wanted, for now, to "participate in a work I love". Besides, since primary school, I learnt various dances/choreography of Jazz and Hip Hop. I also thought I could freely make use of those skills if I was a part of "Love Live".

Until now, what was the stage, where you stood as a dancer, that made you the most nervous?

This one (laugh) (most likely talking about the audition). I was so tense like my tension gauge was beyond MAX!! In the audition studio, there were so many judges, I felt like I would be overwhelmed. But, since that was a once in a lifetime chance, without forgetting about failure, I decided to do everything I could at that time. My test song was "Bokura wa ima no naka de". Because I remembered Honoka-chan's whole choreography, when it was my turn, I danced according to the song. My heart burning, I performed frantically... So when I was contacted to inform me that I passed, I was so deeply moved that I cried out loud. Passing the audition of my beloved work was like a dream.... I could not speak a single word, and I was overflowed by passionate feelings. I was like "What is this?" Like, when they're happy, people also cry, huh.

Then, the cast was announced in this magazine...

That's right. It was announced in the 2015 June edition of Dengeki G's Magazine: "Love Live Sunshine, Watanabe You: Saitou Shuka". When I saw this, I finally understood the situation I was in, and my heart was filled with pressure, I was like "Uwaa!" (laugh). As a member of Aqours, I was thinking about what I could accomplish, about the quality of dancing and singing that was expected of us, if we could answer every fans' expectations... While thinking about that, the pressure kept on increasing. However, the presence of the other members reduced it by 9. As expected, being together as 9 people is reassuring. Because I had no prior experiences as a voice actress, everyone supported me during the recording. "Am I pulling everyone's legs ?" Being filed with this really unforgivable feeling, I once sent them a mail: "Sorry for today". I then received the reply "No, it's not like it was Shukashuu’s fault! Let us spoil you!" Really, everyone kindly taught me. I want to repay them with what I'm good at, dancing.

A bitter dancing mistake even though dancing is my speciality!! In order to dance flawlessly, I increased my training regimen...

Were everyone on good terms from the start?

During the first meeting/introduction we had in the Lantis conference room, no one was nervous. Our bonds for one another began to grow during the training camp which lasted 4 days, and 3 nights. The camp schedule was voice trainings between the intensive sessions of dancing. I discovered new facets of every member, I cooked and ate together with them. I was able to experience some precious interactions. The fact that I could chit-chat with everyone during break time really made me happy ♪. What I cannot forget even until now happened during the third day or so of the camp when we would show the results of our training. Until this day, we never danced without a mirror, but we suddenly had to dance without it. Without a mirror, we cannot see each other dancing. Since we have to be considerate of each other's space, we surely won't be able to move correctly or we will bump into one another. Well, when we tried dancing, that did not happen at all!! In this short period of time, I was surprised that we could be this coordinated as a group. Then, I had the premonition that, as the trainings would pile up, we would become amazing. Rather than our bond, or the fact that we were all gathered, the fact that everyone's soul/spirit immediately clicked like "poof!" was what made me thankful I attended the training camp.

Then, reflecting on every activity you devoted yourself to during this past year, what is your most memorable impression?

My happiest moment was when the 2nd single center was to be decided by election, and You-chan took first place ♪! At first, I was like "Eh? For real!?" and did not feel anything. But after a while, I was overwhelmed with emotion: "The next center is You-chan, huh..." Yup, this is when I felt the happiest over this past year. Another of my happiest moment was when we nine together, could showcase for the first time our singing and dancing in front of the fans, during a special event reserved to first single buyers which was held on January 11th. When we were standing on the stage, calls & responses came flying, and I was really surprised as I was thinking "we debuted less than a year ago, will we get calls & responses?" When you fell as a kid, your parents would often use the charm "Pain, pain, fly away~!", right? In the same way, every ounce of fatigue and pain I felt were blown away when I heard the calls & responses!! Every fan's voice was what moved every member's heart the most. Thinking about it right now, it is when I can hear the voice of every fan that I am the happiest. By looking at the venue from the stage, I would see many smiles, and by pressing the shutter in my own eyes, I would copy everyone's smile into my heart and that would really put me in a good mood. By thinking "Aah... In order to see those smiles, I'll train harder and harder. Let's grow!", my determination increases.

In contrary, what was your most frustrating moment?

The moment I made a dance mistake during the January 11th event. Even though I never made a single mistake until now, I did for the first time. I was like "Uee!?" !! I was really flustered, you know... If I make a mistake with my dancing, I felt that my only good point would fade away. I believed I practised a lot in my own way, but the fact that I made a mistake means that I lacked practice. Since that day, I increased my training time to get revenge during the 1st live. And this time, I want to show the fans dancing that I am satisfied with myself.

By the way, do you have a wide dancing floor at home ?

No, I don't!! Since I live in a typical house, my room is also my lesson floor (laughs). To prevent the music from leaking, I firmly shut my windows and my door. It's so, so hot in this closed room. However, I feel that if I use an electric fan, it would be the same as losing!!
"Being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment." - POD 153
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