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Old 2016-08-01, 14:56   Link #51
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Originally Posted by HayashiTakara View Post
I do that for my friends, and I have friends that do that for me, do you not have any friends that just comforts you when you're sad?

I've always said she was nice, I've said that is the extent of her character. She's the most 2 dimensional character so far. That her entire character thus far can be summed up in 1 sentence.

Pretty Sure Arc 2 took like 2 weeks, from the moment he woke up to the moment he dies to loop back again, and he was unconscious for a few days before the battle against the Mabeast. And after arc 2, it's an untold amount of time from then to when they travel to the Capital. And it takes like what 3 days if taken the short route from the mansion to the capital? And then 2 to 3 days till the elections ceremony.

So yes, it was a few weeks.

The dude has literally been trying to get in her panties since forever, he wasn't cryptic about it. No it's not legit. If she couldn't figure that out, I don't know what to say.

How hard is it to figure out that he loves her? Can't she put 1 and 2 together?

She literally went emotionally blank when he started yelling at her. Like she didn't want to put up with it anymore. That's why I said she went "bye bitch"

If only she tried, if she didn't turn her back on him, if she just stayed and kept and talking to him, Subaru wouldn't end up in the state that he was in. Rem kept pushing, when she could've easily walked away the same way Emilia did.

We don't know much about what goes on in Emilia's head, she's highly underdeveloped.

She's taking it all completely wrong, she thinks that he's treating her special because of her position/race/association, when that has nothing to do with it. He's treating her special because he's in love with her. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But I know I sound like a broken record, how can she not know this?

You're right, Emilia didn't spend much time with Subaru, she doesn't know Subaru as well as Rem, Subaru doesn't know Emilia at all as well. Meaning, Emilia only cares about Subaru because she's a nice person.

I still don't get Subaru's extreme attachment to Emilia, I really don't. They barely spent any time together, they really don't know each other all that well. Subaru's attachment is extremely superficial.
I think it's exactly because that Subaru knows that she is a very nice person that he loves her. I would say the impression she left on him when she first saved him from the thugs when he first came to their world was probably a start of an attraction toward her. Especially, when he realizes that her wasting time to save him was hindering an important task that she was doing. Her healing from when he got his stomach cut open by Elza and consoling him when he started to have a breakdown in the mansion after dying so much only enforce that impression he has of her even more. Her being a tough situation in regards to the ruler stuff probably only enforce his desire to want to protect her more.

Rem may have done more for Subaru because she has more screen-time then Emilia but the impression that Emilia left on Subaru has bigger effect on him then Rem. That doesn't negate the fact he does care about Rem but more of who was first in trying to help him when he first started to deal with his pain.
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